Bmw R1150rt Maintenance Manual
. R1150RT Rider's Manual. Welcome Guest! If you are already a member of the BMW MOA, please log in to the forum in the upper right hand corner of this page.
Operation And Maintenance Manual
MOTORCYCLE REPAIR MANUALS continued on next page. RETAIL BMW R-Series 70-96: R50/5, R60/5, R60/6, R60/7, R65, R65LS, R75/5, R75/6, R75/7,. Bmw r1150rt pdf service repair workshop manual - PDF Read more about workshop, manual, repair, download, infiniti and porsche. 2001-2004 BMW R1150RT Service Manual. File Size: 17 MB. Downloads: 12115. Upload Date:. Rating: no rating. Download Now 2001-2004.
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If you want to view all content, you must register for the forum if you are not a member, or if a member, you must be logged in. I've got an '04 R1150RT that came with the Rider's Manual (US Model). There is another small booklet that I had with my previous '04 R1150RT, but I cannot recall the name of it.
I recently ordered what I thought was that item, but it's not. Instead, I got a booklet titled Supplementary Rider's Manual (US Model), Special-purpose vehicles, but all it covers is an anti-theft alarm. Can someone please tell me what the other booklet title is? It covered more technical and mechanical info regarding the bike's service and maintenance. I've got an '04 R1150RT that came with the Rider's Manual (US Model).
There is another small booklet that I had with my previous '04 R1150RT, but I cannot recall the name of it. I recently ordered what I thought was that item, but it's not. Instead, I got a booklet titled Supplementary Rider's Manual (US Model), Special-purpose vehicles, but all it covers is an anti-theft alarm.
Can someone please tell me what the other booklet title is? It covered more technical and mechanical info regarding the bike's service and maintenance. Thanks to all who provided that information. Now I know what to order, AND with a part number. AFAIK, BMW sells owner manuals and rider manuals. The maintenance manual that came with my 1100RT is really nothing more than a log book that states what should be done and when. By a dealer though, not by you so there are no detailed instructions on how to do things if that is what you are after.
BMW also sells factory maintenance manuals. These are great technical references and I have one (paper) version and the pdf version which I carry on my phone. But be aware that the factory maintenance manuals are intended for factory trained BMW technicians.
They do not explain step by step how to do things. They assume you're a trained mechanic so they give you procedural steps but not what to do to accomplish that step. You are supposed to know all that already. Here is an example. This is a cut and paste of the factory instructions for adjusting your 1100RT valves: Checking/adjusting valve operating clearances (Inspection I, II, III). Check valve clearance with feeler gauge and, if necessary, correct with adjusting nut/lock. Adjust valve clearances with the engine cold (max.
35°C): Inlet. 0.15 mm ( 0.006 in) Exhaust. 0.30 mm (0.012 in ) Tightening torque: Locknut. 8 Nm. Check valve clearance again; it must be possible to insert the feeler gauge between valve stem and rocker with only slight resistance to movement. Assemble in reverse order (Oh I just love this one.
) Caution: Make sure that gasket is correctly seated. Gaskets and sealing faces must be free from oil or grease X Tightening torque Cover screw. 8 Nm Spark plug (without lubricant). 20 Nm There is also a nice picture of a feeler guage (one only) inserted between the valve stem and rocker to show the mechanic where it goes. We know from experience that it is much better to do it with TWO feeler guages inserted at the same time which produces a much better result and a host of other little tips and tricks to get them just right.
None of this is mentioned, just the steps because again, they assume you know what you are doing. The Haynes and Clymer type manuals go into a lot more procedural detail and attempt to explain the 'how to' part. They don't do it all that well in a lot of cases and cannot be relied upon for accurate torque values and specs sometimes as they seem to just copy the same mistakes over and over but they are good for general use. On my airheads I find myself double checking the skinny Haynes and the big fat Clymer back and forth quite often to see if torque values agree (often they don't so I go to Snowbum's page) and also to understand what they mean in a given procedure that is just not clear to me at first reading. I use the factory manual for torque values and specs for everything on the 1100. The only error I know of is they state the coil secondary should measure 13K ohms when in fact a good one measure about half that. Normally around 7K ohms.
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The Haynes and Clymers manuals have more errors in specs and torque values so a good idea is to check other sources and keep your own notes.
Well, if that's is all you want, try these. PS don't stop hunting for that users handbook. (Throttle body synch) b/. (maintenance manual) c/.
(fork seal change) d/. (Ignition timing) e/. (rocker end float adjust) a few to keep you busy. Andy - 03/09/11 10:25 PM Re: 2004 r1150RT owners manual. Joined: Jul 2010 Posts: 328 Member Member Joined: Jul 2010 Posts: 328.