Mo 2316 Manual Juki
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La Crosse 308-2316 Manual
This video is a guide for threading a 5 Pegasus EX Overlock/Serger Lower Looper. Check our website out Transcription: Ok, first I’m going to show you the thread, which thread stand goes to where. This one is for the lower looper, second one is for the upper looper, this is the left needle, right needle and the 5 thread looper.
So, the first one, you’re going to put it in last hole, inside the other hole right here. It goes inside the top thread guide, down to the next hole. It’s going to loop around the right side of the thread stand and you have to make sure it goes inside the disc, goes through the hole, comes down the right black hole.
There is two holes, the right black hole, it’s going to come down to the bottom in to the guide, goes straight down to the other guide. Next guide, through there, and then from here, it’s gonna go straight up to the looper, this is the lower looper, you’re gonna put it in from front to back into the hole. Let me open this for you, front to back, and if you move the pulley by hand, you gonna need to move the looper to the left side.
From here, the thread should come out to the back side, you want to put it from back to front. So, right here, right there.
Lacrosse 2316 Manual
So, it goes from back to front. And then from here, you want to move the looper back to the right side. You’re gonna grab the thread and put it from front to back.
Juki Mo-2316 Manual
And after you put it from front to back, just grab the thread and feed it to the left side. So, all the thread that finishes, you want to just pull it back and left and you could just keep it right there.